Anti-Blue Light Screen Filter

In this age where almost everyone own a phone or a laptop, people need to be aware about the side effects of blue light on their eyes and their nervous system too.

Only a few people in the world know that how dangerous can blue light be for the eyes and it’s proper functioning and even those who know that it is dangerous, they keep on using their screens without thinking or searching about some alternative that can reduce the side effects of blue light.

There are millions of people in the world that are suffering from some sort of eye diseases, some have a blurry vision, some have chronic pain in their eyes and there are people out there who have lost their vision completely.

The reason behind all of these issues was identified and the answer was the excess exposure of the eyes to the blue light.

Also, studies have shown that the human eye is unable to protect itself from the blue light and this light directly goes to the retina of your eye, too much exposure of the blue light can destroy the light sensitive cells of your retina and ultimately your eyes suffer for it.

Moreover, blue light puts soo much strain on your eyes that it affects your nervous system too and as a result you cannot have a sound sleep at night.

What Can Be Done?Β 

Now, those who are reading this article might be thinking that what exactly can be done because practically there is blue light everywhere around you.

Well, you don’t have to worry anymore because we are here to help you with this issue and we do have a solution for you.

Now the thing is that you have blue light coming from the Sun most importantly and then there are other sources too that cannot be avoided.

Well, actually you cannot save your eyes from the blue light around you but the one that is more dangerous for your eyes is the one coming out of your phone and laptop screens and for that we do have a way out.

There are anti-blue light screen filters available online and you can every download applications and software from your play store in order to make things easier for you.

Speaking of software and applications, Iris is the best of all and it is famous for its intelligence and extraordinary capabilities to control and adjust the light of your screens.Β Β 

How Iris Works?

A lot of you might be wondering that how can a software be so intelligent that it can adjust the blue light coming out of your devices.

Well, it is simple, Iris is a software that is made with modern technology and it is so intelligent that it can easily sense the light around you and then it adjusts the blue light of your screen accordingly.

With Iris, you will not only be able to protect your eyes, in fact, you can now get better naps and a sound sleep at night because your nervous system gets relaxed by applying the blue light filter and hence your vision stays the same.

So, if you are someone who is looking out for the best software that can help you with the blue light and its side effects then we suggest you give Iris a try and we assure you that you won’t regret using it.

In fact, right now there is a big figure of people which is using Iris for the protection of their eyes because they know that its high time that we all start taking care of our eyes.

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