Digital eye strain is something that people are generally becoming more and more concerned with.
Blue light is something that is concerning more people and has been developing a lot of study in.
Blue light filter apps are becoming more popular with those of us who use technology every day and we are starting to see the benefits of reducing our exposure to unnecessary blue lights.
There are plenty of applications out there for smaller devices like phones and tablets, but there is also some great software out there to use on your desktop monitor as well.
Arguably the best application for windows seven is Iris.
It offers a free as well as a paid version that can be used on any operating system.
How it works is quite interesting and different to other apps that you might find out there that only give you the options of changing the colors shown on your screen.
The Iris app changes your computer screen to reflect the room that you are in.
Just by filling in some information on where you live and what kind of lights you have in your room, Iris can change the colors of your screen to reflect your indoor lights in the evening, and sunlight in the morning.
These changes happen automatically, so you don’t to do any fiddling with contrasts sliders every time you turn your computer on. It is that simple!
There can be a dramatic contrast in what you are used to in terms of the color temperature.
The switch from blue light to reds and oranges can take some getting used to, but you will quickly notice the difference in your ability to get to bed earlier and fall asleep faster.
If you are prone to headaches due to eye strain, you will soon see a reduction in these.
If you are worried about not seeing images the way they really are, you can have the app disabled for an hour at a time in just a few clicks.
There are some other apps that do similar things and can act very much like the apps that you can download for your phone.
However, Iris has its own personality and really works to suit your contrast rates with your own environment and what you need automatically.
Eye strain is something that everybody has to be more aware of and deal with much better.
With all of the screens that we use in everyday life, both at work and at home, it is becoming more apparent that we have to face the possible negative side effects of using all the technology that we do.
So, we need to be better at taking care of our eyes and assessing the risks of the technology and screens that we use.
If we get the appropriate apps and take precautions for ourselves, we can reduce so many headaches and a lot of eye loss to, which is arguably more important than not changing our settings and screens.