Eye Protection

November 4, 2019

How To Choose The Best Glasses For You?

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I know, I know, you spend too much time in stores, online stores, or ordinary accessories or fashion sites, for your dream glasses. Do you take your friends with you to express your opinion? - The poor ones. Glasses are…


Eye Protection

August 20, 2019

10 Tips on how to have Healthy Eyes

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You ever just get to work all excited that you will finally sit in front of your laptop and do your thing? Yeah… Me neither. Maybe we’re pushing it with the whole excitement thing, but it’s a fact that whether…


Eye Protection

June 26, 2019

Vision therapy: Eye exercises for keeping your eyes strong and healthy

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  Your eyes just like any other muscle can get sore and start to hurt. That’s why it’s important to let them rest properly and exercise them to keep them healthy and strong. Here is a collection of some eye…


Eye Protection

June 2, 2019

7 Tips for eye protection in front of the PC

and which one works best for you

Does this sound familiar to you? Long work days grinding in front of the computer. Even longer sleepless nights. Swollen eyelids, puffy eyes. You coming home looking like a vampire. The kids cry when they see you, the dog hides…


Eye Protection

May 3, 2019

How to Easily Remove Eye Strain While Gaming

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Hi Gamer, Have you ever imagined that there is a way to play more and harder without getting your eyes red, sore and strained? There is! Actually... there are a lot of easy and quick ways on how to do…


Eye Protection, Eye Strain

February 12, 2019

What can we do to protect our eyes when working for long in front of a computer?

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Eyes can become damaged in the long run when spending a lot of hours in front of the computer. Here are a couple of things you can do: Take regular breaks from your computer, you can use some sort of…


Eye Protection

February 12, 2019

My eyes are almost always red because of my computer Will this damage my eyes in the long term?

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Yes and if you keep doing that for a couple of decades you will eventually probably get macular degeneration You will only be able to see with your peripheral vision which is almost considered blind This is not 100% but…

February 12, 2019

Is it a good idea to put your desk facing a window?

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I find putting your desk facing a window a bad idea Apart from the seemingly insignificant fact, that it can be extremely distracting, placing a desk to face the sun burns your retina and you can go blind in the…


Eye Protection

February 12, 2019

How do software professionals take care of their eyes?

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There are a couple of things you can when you are spending a lot of time staring at a computer screen every day: Blink Blinking more often helps moisture your eyes better, you’d be surprised by how much this little…


Eye Protection

February 12, 2019

How do I stabilize or improve my eyesight?

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If you are spending a lot of time in front of a computer screen or in a similar working environment of the main things that can occur is macular degeneration. This is a problem concerned with the retina of the…


Eye Protection

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