Having a headache can be a very unfortunate thing to happen to anybody throughout the day. Especially when one is at work, school or anywhere. Headaches can occur at any time, regardless of your plans for having a good time.…
- Breathwork is a practice for relaxation, stress relief and therapy, which uses different breathing exercises and techniques. Nowadays there are a lot of variations of breathwork. Each of them has a purpose, depending on the needs of the practitioner.…
Do you come back home tired and squeezed out at the end of the day...could it be stress at work? Are you usually annoyed at work? Is your sleep a bad experience? This is all because of the stress caused…
With this article today we will introduce you to the hidden technology threats of even standing in front of your computer. Technology is part of the modern world and is evolving at a rapid pace. Technology has evolved with each…
In a number of articles, we were stressing out how important sleep is and how dangerous overexposure to blue light is...this time, however, we are going to present to you the so-called light therapy. It will surprise you with its…
Some people invest in real estate, passive income, savings and so on but what they do not realize is that the best investment they could possibly make is in their health. It may sound expensive to you but it is…
Did you know you could have a better life when you improve your sleep? Feeling tired all the time and the lack of sleep may cause not only tiredness but serious health issues and reduce your productivity. In this article,…
Improving your posture is important for looking good. If you want improving your posture, you can exercises to strengthen your muscles. It is 2019 and we are sitting more than ever before. According to a study conducted last year, the…
It is a common occurrence in adults to neglect the habit of reading before bed. In 2018 25% of Americans say they have not read a single book in the past year. A scary result, considering the amount of time…
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