Test result Complete Protan What is a Protan? Protans are people with Protanomaly, a type of red-green color blindness where the red cones in the eye do not detect enough red light, but instead respond more to green light. As a result,…
Test result Strong Protan What is a Protan? Protans are people with Protanomaly, a type of red-green color blindness where the red cones in the eye do not detect enough red light, but instead respond more to green light. As a result,…
Test result Moderate Protan What is a Protan? Protans are people with Protanomaly, a type of red-green color blindness where the red cones in the eye do not detect enough red light, but instead respond more to green light. As a result,…
Test result Mild Protan What is a Protan? Protans are people with Protanomaly, a type of red-green color blindness where the red cones in the eye do not detect enough red light, but instead respond more to green light. As a result,…
Test result Complete Deutan What is a deutan? Deutans are people with Deuteranomaly, a type of red-green color blindness in which the green cones do not detect enough green and are too sensitive to yellows, oranges, and reds. As a…
Test result Strong Deutan What is a deutan? Deutans are people with Deuteranomaly, a type of red-green color blindness in which the green cones do not detect enough green and are too sensitive to yellows, oranges, and reds. As a…
Test result Moderate Deutan What is a deutan? Deutans are people with Deuteranomaly, a type of red-green color blindness in which the green cones do not detect enough green and are too sensitive to yellows, oranges, and reds. As a…
Test result Mild Deutan What is a deutan? Deutans are people with Deuteranomaly, a type of red-green color blindness in which the green cones do not detect enough green and are too sensitive to yellows, oranges, and reds. As a…
Test result Unknown Why? We were unable to determine your test result. The answers you provided were not conclusive enough to determine your color blindness type. Turn off any screen color filters (or other applications that affect the colors of…
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