Light is a nutrient that plays a significant role in signaling your mitochondria to do things and when to do them
Health mode will reduce the blue light emitted from your screen and control the brightness without flicker
It will also improve your mitochondrial function by automatically controlling the light emitted from your screen
Be more healthy and improve your performance while you sit in front of your PC
If the button above doesn’t work here are some instructions for manual activation: How to try Health mode
sorry – the audio quality is very low – cannot understand what you say.
and the steps to do are demonstrated too fast.
Could you give slow step by step instruction
so that non-professionals can follow? Thanks
There is an explanation about different types here:
Actually, when you download Iris, it will be using health type by default
Whilst the audio could have been clearer, I liked the style of presentation. I thought you did the ‘human’ version that was very accessible to your audience, so thank you.
Thanks, Caroline
We will try to level up and make our videos better in the future, sorry
This is a short video on switching types that you can watch:
It should help you understand how they work and what they’re made for π