The red-green type of color blindness is generally known as deuteranopia.
The deutan color vision insufficiencies are by far the most familiar forms of color sightlessness.
The red-green color blindness is usually found in about 6% of the male population, generally in its mild type deuteranomaly.
While you have a look at the color variety of a deuteranopic person you can observe that a diversity of colors look different than in a usual color range.
Whereas green and red are the chief problem shades.
The red-green color blindness is essentially divided into two special subtypes.
The one side involves the persons who have anomalous long wavelength responsive cones which are more accountable for the red component of vision.
And on the other hand, deutan color vision deficiencies.
The deutan color vision deficiencies are further divided into two different types.
These are as follows:
In dichromats, the average wavelength responsive cones are missing at all.
A person suffering from red-green blindness can only differentiate 2 to 3 different hues, while someone with normal vision can easily see 7 different hues.
On the other hand, Anomalous Trichromats can be everything between deuteranopia and normal color vision.
The green responsive cones are not absent in this case, however, the peak of compassion and sensitivity is moved towards the red insightful cones.
Usually, the people with light-sensitive pigment and usual cones are able to see all the different shades and delicate mixtures of them by using cones receptive to one of three wavelengths of the beam of light i.e. blue, red and green.
A mild color shortage is at hand when one or more than one cones light-sensitive pigments are not fairly right and their peak compassion is transferred.
A more ruthless color deficit is present when one or more than one cones of light-sensitive pigments are actually wrong.
Protanomaly is basically referred to as red-weakness.
It is an appropriate explanation of this type of color insufficiency. Any kind of redness seen in a color by a usual onlooker is seen more dimly by the protanomalous onlooker, both in terms of its brightness and coloring power.
The coloring power basically involves saturation or depth of color.
Red, yellow, yellow-green, orange and yellow appear fairly shifted in hue towards green, and all come out paler than they do to the usual spectator.
The redness factor that a usual observer sees in lavender or violet color is so destabilized for the protanomalous observer that he might be unsuccessful to distinguish it and consequently sees only the blue part.
In case of underprivileged viewing surroundings, such as when driving in impressive sunlight or in foggy or rainy weather, it is simply promising for protanomalous folks to slip-up a blinking red traffic beam from a blinking amber or yellow one, or to be unsuccessful to differentiate a green traffic light from a variety of white lights in signs, street lights, storefronts etc.
Make sure that you test yourself whether you are colorblind or not with the Vision test available at
There are many individuals that are suffering from colorblindness and for them, we made the latest Vision software which may help you to see all colors more clearly.