From this page you can customize the amount of blue light emitted from your screen.
Basically lower values and less blue light means better sleep and less eye strain.
The Day and Night Temperature sliders may seem to have strange values, but for legacy reasons and for users coming from other software I leave them like this.
This value is K or Kelvins and it’s the default measure for Color Temperature.
Color temperature of 6500 K is no color changes and calibrated display.
Day TemperatureΒ is the temperature of the display during the day.
Night TemperatureΒ is the temperature of the display during the night.
Iris determines if it’s day or night based on your location or on your system clock. Then it does gradual interpolation between the 2 values when the time is right.
You can change the default location from the Location page.
Extended valuesΒ will allow you to select values over 6500 K.
Some people use this as some kind of caffeine mode when they don’t want to fall a sleep at night. Values over 6500 K has over the maximum blue light so be careful. This values will not help you fall a sleep faster.
This is how Iris looks at 6500 K (No blue light reduction)
At 0 K (Maximum blue light reduction)
And at 10 000 K (Over the maximum blue light)
I don’t use 10 000K, because my head starts to hurt, but some people use it when they want to put all nighters.
When Manual color settingsΒ is set to ON, Night Temperature will be used both during the day and during the night. This way it’s easier to change the temperature fast by hand.
If Keyboard shortcuts are enabled you can use also use
Ctrl+Alt+β to increase the Night Temperature and
Ctrl+Alt+β to decrease the Night Temperature
This are Up and Down arrow found next to the left to the Enter and right Ctrl key and left to the Num pad. The step is 500 K and the temperature can be set from 0 K to 6500 K. For other values use the sliders.
Reset temperatureΒ does something which you may think it’s strange, but it’s useful in some situations. Basically if you killed Iris somehow your screen may be red without Iris running. Reset temperature will fix this, but will also remove your display calibration.
Invert colors will invert the colors like this
I do not have a Color Temperature setting on my version of Iris. I did an update but nothing changed. I am having trouble getting the monitor to change at sundown and change the color to a more red tone. It doesn’t do anything even though I have put in my latitude and longitude.
Hey, i would like yo know what it is difference between Color Temperature setting and Blue light settings, because for me they looks doing the same thing ?
They are the same. In one case the value is in Kelvins and the other in %
Color Temperature – Kelvins
Blue light – % – 6500K = 100%, 0K = 0%