How to become an Iris Reseller

  • You can be a reseller in 2 ways

Answers also

  • We want to resell your products in India. Kindly tell us can we do this
  • we can sell big enterprise volume sales. How can we start
  • I want to know if can I be your partner for selling Iris Pro on my website
  • We have a prospect customer who is interested in your service. Iā€™d like to kindly ask you whether we can act as a reseller and offer your software to our customer? If you work with resellers it would be great if you answer several following questions about the sale process: āˆ™ What is the term and type of software delivery (electronical or physical shipping)? āˆ™ Can you send a price with retail prices and reseller prices if you offer specific reseller discount? āˆ™ Do you include taxes in price? āˆ™ What are the payment options for us? āˆ™ Do you require pro-forma agreement for resellers? āˆ™ How the product is licensed? Do you have specific prices for Educational or state institutions? āˆ™ Can you reserve the customer and the deal for us? – 2022.05.05

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