
Who am I and a little about the creation of Iris


My name is Daniel. I’m 22 years old programmer from the small country of Bulgaria and I’m the creator of Iris.

I was born in 1995 in Sofia, Bulgaria (This is in Europe) and spend the first 17 years of my life trying to become an Olympic athlete. As you can guess I failed at this, but whatever I have many good memories and awards. I even managed to participate in the World Championship which considering my non-athletic body am really proud of.

After this, I started working as a programmer and the monitors at my work were kind of bad. After 1 year I put glasses for the first time in my life and I knew it was time for a change.

After many eye drops and failed experiments, I started working on the first versions of Iris and this is how the story of Iris begins. Left my job, drop out school, you know the standard things crazy people with dreams do.


The guy with the red border. This is me with friends.

Basically, I am the person behind Iris.

If you are not sure what problem Iris is solving, you can see my TED talk 🙂

If you have any problems or feedback about Iris you can contact me at:
E-mail: daniel@iristech.co
Phone: +359879031353

This is the phone with which I talk to my friends and family, so please don’t spam me.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1506836949
LinkedIn: https://bg.linkedin.com/in/daniel-georgiev-2194ab7a

Thank you for using Iris,
Daniel <3

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