In this article I want to show you how you can translate Iris into new language or edit the current translation strings.
Every string into the application can be found here
In this example we will use Bulgarian as starting point and you will understand from there what to do.
First locate your language translations file. This is the file ending in .ts
Files ending in .qm are the compiled translation files
In our example this is the file
Click the link then click Raw
Now with Right click -> Save as
Save the file somewhere on your PC
Now you can just edit this file by hand with some regular text editor or use the special Qt Linguist which is more user friendly. You can download Qt Liguist from this link
The UI looks like this
When you are finished send me the new file to
I will replace it and you will have your new awesome translation in the next version.
If you want to translate Iris to new language use iris_en.ts or some other file as placeholder and just create duplicate the file and change it’s contents.
Here is video showing the above steps