With Color Temperatureย you can lower the blue light, but with Screen effects you can apply more complex color effects to the screen.
For example I frequently use my screen with Invertedย colors or I made it Grayscale. Some effects can simulate color blindness while others are just cool.
By clicking Screen effects checkbox you will enable Screen effects.
From the Screen effect dropdown you can select different Screen effects.
The available Screen effects at the moment are
Some of this effects are available only on Windows, because I’m still searching a way to make them on other OS like Mac OSX and Linux.
The most popular Screen effects are integrated in the free version of Iris as Reading, Sleep and other types.
Could you add invert colors in iris micro?
Hi Alexis,
I will add it to to our to do and talk to the team about this ๐
Iris micro is not our focus right now but in the future when we decide to make improvements we will add this