You can check the latest version of Iris for your operating system here: Windows versions macOS versions Linux Other OS Windows versions Iris mini 0.4.1 Installer for Windows [download id="12684"] Fixed CPU issue Added hidden feature for Expand range Added…
After installation you should see the Iris mini icon in the Tray If you don't see the tray icon menu click the small up arrow in the tray menu If you want the Iris mini icon to be always visible,…
On clean Windows install or after Windows update, Iris mini options may be grayed out like this The reason for this is that by default Windows has some software limitations for controlling the blue light. When you start Iris mini…
Пиша тази статия с няколко основни съвета за това как точно да се настрои Iris mini Pro за максимален ефект. Безплатният Iris mini изглежда така и като цяло нямате много избор за това как да го ползвате, но все пак…
From this link Download the version for your operating system. The first button is for Windows, the second for MacOS and the third for Linux. After you have downloaded and installed Iris mini see the instructions below on how to…