This turtle is the Iris customer support agent and it will help you solve all your problems with Iris. You may wonder why I chose turtle to help you, but the answer is simple.
Turtles have the ability to stay grounded, even in moments of disturbances and chaos.
They symbolize determination, persistence, emotional strength and understanding, all of the things you need to read this article or maybe to wait for me fix some bug I haven’t found yet 🙂
Bellow, you will find most common user questions I receive my e-mail. They are arranged in random order and new things are added to the end.
If you use USB monitor or DisplayLink or other docking station Iris may not work on your second monitor.
You can fix this by using High-level Color API on Windows
For macOS I am still searching for a way to do this, but USD monitors don’t support gamma changes by default.
New drivers of DisplayLink may also help you as they started to support gamma changes.
Iris should start automatically on startup at every system.
On macOS, there is system protection ad you must move the app to some other folder, not the Downloads folder because it will not start automatically if it’s in the Downloads folder.
On all systems check if Start on startup checkbox is checked.
When you buy Iris Pro or Iris mini Pro you need to wait for redirection back to the Iris website.
After the redirection, you will see screen like this
If you didn’t wait and closed the browser tab you need to write to me to create your activation code by hand. Please note that I receive a lot of e-mails and my response may be slow, but I will either refund your money or create your new activation code 🙂
See this page on how to proceed
For activation, instructions see this page
Several programs for blue light may conflict with each other.
If you use both Iris and Iris mini quit one of them.
If you use both Iris and f.lux quit one of them.
Same goes for every other combination of blue light reduction software which conflicts with each other.
Iris doesn’t conflict with Windows and macOS integrated blue light reduction features 🙂
If the above is not the case, some video card drivers also constantly want to change the display gamma and calibrate the screen and this may also cause flicker.
You need to somehow quit the conflicting process of your video card.
High-level API should also fix this problem on Windows
On the first start, Iris may ask you to make some changes to the Registry.
This is nothing to be afraid of and the goal of this is Iris to work faster when you want lower values.
By default, you have a cap on color changes to somewhere around 3900K.
To go lower you need to unlock the gamma or use Iris high-level API.
If you want to know the exact settings that Iris changes see this file:
To delete these changes Run this file:
You can move the folder by hand after installation.
The reason for this is because Iris doesn’t want Admin rights right away and this actually helps with Privacy and Security.
You can find the location of the installation here:
Other programs like Chrome also do this so here are the benefits of installing without Admin access.
You can install Iris on computers at your work which doesn’t allow app installations
Iris can install because it doesn’t require Admin access.
At the first start, it may ask you to unlock the gamma via Regedit which requires admin access but if you don’t give it, Iris will use High-level API which may be a little slower but will still work.
You can feel more secure
Computer programs can do a lot of bad things if you give them Admin access and install them in Program Files.
Iris have an installer with admin access but I don’t distribute is as the default download for the reasons above.
You can always move the installation folder by hand and Iris will still work.
Iris is easier to clean from the computer
%LOCALAPPDATA% is folder per user which means that Iris will be deleted if you delete the user and create a new one.
This may help if there is a bug which makes the monitor colors broken or black. This think should not happen but is one more thing to make Iris removal easier.
Try to Enable Aero.
This may happen if you use High-level Color API. For it to work on Windows 7 you need Aero to be enabled.
Low-level API should work without Aero but will not work with USB monitors.
Another cause of this problem if you use Low-level color API may be that you don’t have drivers for your video card installed.
If this is your first installation of Iris and gamma range is not expanded you are using High-level Color API but it needs Aero to be enabled to work.
If you have expanded the color range you need to restart your PC for Iris to start to work perfectly.
There is something else that if it’s Day and you are moving the Night slider it will not change anything on the screen because it’s day and the night has not come yet.
You can also see this page for more explanations
Or see all Help articles from here
Close Iris
Run this file
[Download not found]This will clean Iris save, gamma unlock and Iris URL scheme
Mouse pointer blue
Use software mouse
– Can’t see mouse in games
Disable use software mouse
– Iris is slowing down my PC
Try with Iris mini
– Display is red
– Can’t open the program
– My display flickers
Delete f.lux
– Can’t delete the program
– Where to put the activation code
– Activation fails with some error
Behind proxy try with OfflineCode
I don’t see type and mode any more
Click use advanced settings
What changes Iris does on installation
-gamma ramp
Computer crashed can’t activate Iris again
-revoke a license
Iris and display calibration
– Enable preserve gamma
Post in the forum
Iris not working on my second monitor, i am running mac os x version of irir and have a samsung monitor.
Can you try enabling high-level API?
Here’s a video on how to do it:
I’ve used Iris Mini for quiet some time now, but it stopped working :/
I’m not sure when it stopped, haven’t been on the pc in the evening for a while.
When I noticed i saw in the settings that there was no location and the icon in the system tray always said “loading”. Restarting the app/pc did nothing.
I then updated to the newest version 1.1.2 (the old version must have been 0.9.2 I believe).
It now finds the correct location but it still is only “loading” and doing nothing. Waiting/restarting did not help either. Neither did uninstalling iris and reinstalling 🙁
I really like iris and would be happy if I could get it working again.
Any suggestions?
From what you said, I thnk you are using the full version of Iris and not Iris mini
Unless you are using a VPN or have no internet the location should be loading on the latest version
Can you check for that?
The latest version of Iris can be found here:
If that doesn’t help you can also message us at: and we will help more
Sorry, you are right. It’s the full version. The latest version is installed and the location is correctly displayed, but in the system tray is still standing 6500k/loading and no light correction.
Hi. I calibrated my monitor with SPYDER 5 PRO and things went fine, but now IRIS MINI flashes my screen every 20 seconds or so, obviously there’s a conflict beetween those processes.
Sometimes I need to diconnect IRIS MINI temporarely in order to get the most accurate screen.
Thanks for your help.
I am not familiar with the Spyder 5 Pro device but from what I can see it actively itneracts with your screen to change colors
Such programs are known to conflict with Iris hence why it is probably happening
I think that a possible fix is downloading the full version of Iris:
And then enabling the high-level API
Is it possible to disable the gamma via Regedit request at startup? Corporate IT wont authorise the admin access and I dont want to have to cancel the notification I get about admin rights each time I start up.
Goes to my TODO and fix it via Hidden feature these days
Does it work if you select High-level API?
I don’t have iris mini or f.lux on my machine – only the full version of iris. When I step away, and my screen locks, I get a flash of the blue un-irised screen once I enter the password to unlock the screen. Is there some way to keep this from happening? I already have the high level API selected.
Hi Lisa,
What OS are you on?
Hi Valentina,
It’s windows 10 pro.
Try with low-level API
This could be from the log-in screen itself, because Iris doesn’t work on it
Sorry, I don’t understand what I need to do.
Oh, sorry, you just mean to untick the high level API box?
Hi Lisa,
Hello. Location is still loading and loading. I upgraded to Iris Pro but software did not accept the code because of loading of location i suupose. I am in the office and there are admin limitatons and dynamic IP address. How can I fix this issue, please?
Hi Lua,
Have you tried entering your location manually from Advanced view
It could be happening if the app doesn’t have the needed permissions on the device
As for the code are you getting an error message when trying to activate?
Hey, I have a 2013 mac book pro and the mouse pointer is always unaffected by Iris. The rest of the screen is an orange red, and the mousepointer is a bright white. Is there a fix?
Hi Jay,
Go to Advanced view, System menu and check the use software mouse cursor box
My sleep setting on my new macbook pro (2021) is GREEN – can’t seem get the red screen
See this for fix